Monday, September 28, 2009

Work in progress...

Hello all,

I realize how lame an introduction that is. I'll have to think of a better one for next time.

Right now, this blog probably looks pretty empty. In fact, probably no one is reading this.

First order of business, I decided to label this The Fuzz for no real particular reason. I made it seem clever by adding that little definition at the top, but really I just thought it sounded cool and was catchy. Also, I find it retrospectively hilarious that people oft make fun of me for my inability to grow facial hair, and one of the definitions of "fuzz" is, in fact, "peach fuzz." Anyways.

Shortly I will be updating this site with my opinions about the media, politics, advertising and the likes. I have many a topic ready to write down, ie: how much I hate Glenn Beck (and why he doesn't matter in a large scheme), how much I hate Twitter (and how it's ruining our youth), how much I hate Vh1 Celebreality (and why you should, too), but until I receive the exact procedure on how to go about writing these things (ie: the syllabus) I won't be able to. This is for a class, after all.

But only for this semester.

Look for my other work at:

This awesome website!

I will probably be merging these two blogs into one eventually. I think I like this one better. But probably not until next semester.

Soon it will all make sense. Until then, watch some informercials and prepare for the critical bashing I plan to deliver.
